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Facts About Fluoride


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Family Dentistry

The Perch,
Cross & Newgate Streets

P.O. Box 1421
St. John’s,
Antigua & Barbuda.

Phone: 268- 462- 0058
Fax: 268- 462- 2777
Email: info@FamilyDentistryComplete.com


There are numerous controversies regarding fluoride and regarding fluoridation. There is so much of information online and you will easily find yourself in the midst of contradicting details and information, which will leave you in nothing but confusion. Here are few important facts about fluoride that will help in clearing the air and the misconceptions around fluoride.


What you find in water, toothpaste, mouthwash and other dental products is not fluorine but sodium fluoride. Fluorine occurs in gaseous form and when sodium is added to fluorine, sodium fluoride is formed which allows it to dissolve in water easily.

Excessive consumption of sodium fluoride however will result in accumulation of fluoride. When the fluoride accumulation in the body increases, it makes your bones brittle, which could possibly result in skeletal damage.

Fluoride in low quantities however can help you prevent cavities in your teeth. While fluoride has its negative face, it has however proven to be useful in boosting dental health. Fluoride today is no more posing health risks like before because we have a better understanding of this chemical today. This does not mean that they are totally riskless; it just means that we have a better grasp of this chemical which gives us better control over its negative side effects.


As far as children are concerned, it is important that their toothpaste too contain fluoride but all the more important that they do not swallow the toothpaste while brushing their teeth. To keep fluoride to the optimal level number of countries add fluoride to their water while there are many countries that do not add fluoride to their water. The US government has reduced the level of fluoride in the water recently to minimize fluoride accumulation risks.

While it is easy to add fluoride to drinking water, it is very difficult to remove fluoride and its traces from water.

If you and your family members are having dental cavities it could be because of insufficient fluoride levels. It is important that you visit your local dentist to get your dental health checked thoroughly. One of the reputed dentists that you can visit for your regular dental check up is Dr. Maxwell Francis. At his dental office you will receive very friendly and reliable dental healthcare services.


Your dentist will be the best person to tell you whether you are having any fluoride deficiency or having any fluoride accumulation by examining your teeth. It is important that you get timely attention as far as fluoride related issues are concerned. Children in particular should get immediate attention from your dentist so that they develop health teeth from their childhood. Your dentist will also prescribe the right kind of toothpaste for your children.

It is important to follow the instructions of your dentist if you want to give your children good dental health. Lack of care and lack of timely attention can result in painful dental problems and expensive dental procedures. Visit the dental office of Dr. Maxwell Francis for a quick checkup today.